LIU Ren is participating at the Art Museum of Nanjing University of Arts

LIU Ren is participating "A New Collection of Poetry" at the Art Museum of Nanjing University of Arts as the fourth edition of its drawing project. The exhibition attempts to explore the relationship betwen the language of drawing and literature, also its narrative. LIU’s practice mainly involves painting, sculpture and installation. He so often draws inspirations from everyday materials that surround him and conceals accumulated sentiments and analytical texts behind the clean, neat and orderly visual forms. He attends to the passage of time, the consumption of life and the state of being, where fragmented information and mundane materials are transformed. Drawing for LIU is a working method to intervene in the instrumentalist culture of our time.


Selected works


刘任《尘归尘》,2011年,艺术微喷在收藏级纸上,180 × 110 厘米 | LIU RenBack to Ashes, 2011, inkjet print on fine art paper, 180 × 110 cm


刘任《尘归尘》(局部),2011年,艺术微喷在收藏级纸上,180 × 110 厘米 | LIU RenBack to Ashes (detail), 2011, inkjet print on fine art paper, 180 × 110 cm


刘任《一个人需要多少土地》,2013 年,综合材料(草纸丙烯),30 × 25.5 × 4 厘米 × 10 | LIU RenHow Much Land Does a Man Need, 2013, mixed media (acrylic on straw paper), 30 × 25.5 × 4 cm × 10 


刘任《一个人需要多少土地》(局部),2013 年,综合材料(草纸丙烯),30 × 25.5 × 4 厘米 × 10 | LIU RenHow Much Land Does a Man Need (detail), 2013, mixed media (acrylic on straw paper), 30 × 25.5 × 4 cm × 10 


The exhibition will last until 7 October 2017.

7 September 2017
of 82