Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art will launch a solo exhibition‘ Illusion Society – History of Ordinary Life ‘ by artist CHANG Ling

Illusion Society – History of Ordinary Life 


2019/06/15 - 08/04


KaohsiungMuseum of Fine Art, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan


Installation view


Immature transformation 青涩的变身, Chang Ling 常陵, 2018. oil on canvas 布面油画. 130 × 162 cm


Installation view


Installation view


2016.11, Chang Ling 常陵, 2016. oil on canvas 布面油画. 180 × 130 cm


Installation view


 From 15th June to 4th August 2019, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art will launch a solo exhibition‘ Illusion Society – History of Ordinary Life ‘ by artist CHANG Ling.


The exhibition presents CHANG Ling’s artistic creation spanning a decade with 49 artworks of ’Illusion Society‘ series.


IllusionSociety’ reflects Chang Ling’s concern for, and interest in, society, but it also reveals the fragmentary memories he retains of his own life, ordinarylife.


This ongoing series has been started from 2010 and matured with CHANG Ling’s deepening exploration into realities. It’s not only a documentary of ordinary life but also provides perspectives to review society and personal life.


When seeing CHANG Ling’s artwork, there is no absolute view since he sometimes turns over the canvas during artistic creating. The audiences could appreciate his art from different angles. One work displayed in the horizontal direction is in reference to this feature of CHANG Ling’s art. The huge artwork might remind viewers of a swimming pool in the summertime. And indeed when you stare at it, you will be immersed in CHANG Ling’ art world and feel refreshing.  


27 June 2019
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