ZHANG Yunyao's participation in group exhibition at Zeno X Gallery

ZHANG Yunyao 


View of “OFF ROAD II”, 2021. Belgium “OFF ROAD II 展览现场, 2021. 比利时. Photo courtesy of Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp and Peter Cox



Don Gallery is honored to announce that ZHANG Yunyao's participation in group exhibition, OFF ROAD II, at Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium, from 10 November to 18 December 2021.


Z&X, ZHANG Yunyao 张云垚, 2021. Graphite on Felt 石墨毛毡, 38 × 54 cm. Photo courtesy of Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp and Peter Cox


View of “OFF ROAD II”, 2021. Belgium “OFF ROAD II 展览现场, 2021. 比利时. Photo courtesy of Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp and Peter Cox




ZHANG Yunyao (b. 1985) graduated from the Department of Oil Painting, Academy of Fine Arts at Shanghai Normal University (2007). By incorporating felt as the support for the medium of painting, he attempts to explore the unfixed meaning of emotions and desires. His works have been widely exhibited in different institutions, including Musée Fenaille (France, 2021), Watou Arts Festival (Watou, Belgium, 2021), chi K11 art museum (Shanghai, 2016), CAFA Art Museum (Beijing, 2015), Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai (Shanghai, 2013), etc. His solo exhibitions include  “Extasy” (Qiao Sapce, Shanghai, 2019), “Skin Gesture Body” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2017), “Nec Spe, Nec Metu” (Perrotin, Hong Kong, 2017), “After Evensong” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2015), “Touch Point” (01100001 Gallery, Beijing, 2013), “Mirage” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2013), “Paradbox” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2011), etc. 

16 November 2021
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