ZHANG Yunyao
These three felt works, collectively titled "Space Study," represent the latest artistic exploration by the artist, building upon the earlier "Figure Study" series. This series depicts works of art in combination with their exhibition spaces, encompassing diverse display methods ranging from classical to modernist and contemporary art contexts.
Through the creation of "Space Study," the artist seeks to transcend subjective engagement and, instead, adopt an introspective perspective to critically observe and articulate their role as an artist within the broader narrative of art history.
In this series, the three "Space Study" pieces individually portray the wood sculpture "St. George and the Dragon," Henry Moore's plaster sculpture of a reclining form, and Germaine Richier's cast bronze sculpture "Le Berger des Lande" within distinct exhibition spaces.
这三幅名为“空间习作”的毛毡作品,是继“形体习作”系列之后,艺术家所聚焦的一个新系列。这个系列是将通常概念中的艺术作品,与其展示空间结合起来作为描绘对象,从古典艺术到现代主义艺术再到当代艺术的各种展示方式都被纳入。艺术家希望通过对这个系列的创作,将自己从主观参与的位置上解放出来,用一种更为自省的角度,来理性地观察和表达自己作为艺术家在艺术发展史中的角色。这三件空间习作分别描绘了在不同的展示空间的三件雕塑,包括木雕“圣乔治屠龙”、 Henry Moore的石膏雕刻斜躺的形体,和Germaine Richier 的铸铜雕刻“Le Berger des Lande”。
ZHANG Yunyao (b. 1985) graduated from the Department of Oil Painting, Academy of Fine Arts at Shanghai Normal University (2007). By incorporating felt as the support for the medium of painting, he attempts to explore the unfixed meaning of emotions and desires. His works have been widely exhibited in different institutions, including The X1 Museum (Bejing, 2023), The Guimet Museum (Ancien musée d'histoire naturelle), MAM - Musée des Arts de la Marionnette, MAC Lyon (France, 2022), Qingdao Art Museum (Qingdao, 2021), Zeno X Gallery (Belgium, 2021), Musée Fenaille (France, 2021), Watou Arts Festival (Watou, Belgium, 2021), chi K11 art museum (Shanghai, 2016), CAFA Art Museum (Beijing, 2015), Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai (Shanghai, 2013), etc. His solo exhibitions include “Extasy” (Qiao Sapce, Shanghai, 2019), “Skin Gesture Body” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2017), “Nec Spe, Nec Metu” (Perrotin, Hong Kong, 2017), “After Evensong” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2015), “Touch Point” (01100001 Gallery, Beijing, 2013), “Mirage” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2013), “Paradbox” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2011), etc.
张云垚(生于 1985 年),毕业于上海师范大学美术学院绘画专业(2007 年)。他以毛毡作为绘画的媒介支撑探索不定意义的情绪与欲望表达。其作品曾在X 美术馆(北京,2023年)、里昂市吉美博物馆 (里昂自然历史博物馆)、加达涅博物馆、里昂现代艺术博物馆(法国,2022年),青岛市美术馆(青岛,2021年)、Zeno X Gallery(比利时,2021年)、费奈耶博物馆(法国,2021年)、瓦图艺术节(比利时,2021年)、chi K11 美术馆(上海,2016 年)、中央美术学院美术馆(北京,2015 年)、上海当代艺术馆(上海,2013 年)等艺术机构展出。他的个展包括“出神殿”(乔空间,上海,2019年)、“皮肤 手势 身体”(东画廊,上海,2017 年)、“希冀之外,畏惧之外”(贝浩登,香港,2017 年)、“晚祷之后”(东画廊,上海,2015 年)、“触点”(01100001 画廊,北京,2013 年)、 “醚境”(东画廊,上海,2013 年)、“悖论盒子”(东画廊,上海,2011 年)等。