HU Zi: Flesh: Project

13 December 2014 - 7 January 2015
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It was in May, right after the solo exhibition “Kids”, while the show and works were still a topic, Hu Zi accepted the invitation of Glenfiddich Artists in Residence Programme and headed to Dufftown in Scotland. The four months in Glenfiddich Distillery was memorable: aroma of the malt drifted from the distillery opposite her studio, the fragrance of wild flowers surrounded, the Atlantic that is only one-hour-ride-away, the quiet vast wilderness of Scotland, the simple and adorable people in Dufftown and the communication with other resident artists, etc. For a girl who had been living an urban life for such a long time, all these experiences not only had great impact on her life, but also on her mind and works.

On 13th December 2014, Don Gallery is delighted to present the solo exhibition “Flesh” of Hu Zi, the artist of Glenfiddich Residence Programme 2014. Most of the works displayed this time are created during her residence.

The exhibition “Flesh” focuses on three topics: life, death and flesh. Continuing her style of portraits, Hu Zi depicts not only artists that she appreciates, such as Marina Abramović, Sarah Lucas and Robert Plant, but other members of 27 Club like Edie, Amy Winehouse and River Phoenix as well. The feet with shoes and the shoes without foot are her thinking upon material and existence, while Sleep and Flesh are her efforts to explore the main theme “body is just flesh that covers the soul” as flesh without soul is just the shell of body.

The unique climate and surroundings of the Glenfiddich Distillery greatly inspired the artist when dealing with colors. Her works become more and more spacious and transparent. Also, for the first time that her works are in monochrome, which purifies her expression of portraits. Moreover, the attempt to paint on the wood board during her stay in Dufftown has offered more space and possibilities for her oil painting.

Hu Zi graduated with a master degree in Paintings from China Academy of Art in 2007. As a resident artist, she stayed in Paris, France and Scotland, U.K. but currents lives and works in Shanghai. In 2007, her works were shown in the “Infantization” by Shanghai Art Museum and toured to Museum of Contemporary Art in Lyon, France and Art Basel Dreispitzhalle, Switzerland in 2010. After her two solos in Eastlink Gallery, Shanghai in 2008 and 2012, she had a solo show “Kids” in Don Gallery in March 2014. Her works have been widely received and collected.