LU Song
Wild plants often appear in LU Song's paintings. Huge leaves are like magnified or shaken scenes in the movie, inducing the viewer to imagine the world behind the leaves and what happens beyond the frame. The experiment of storytelling, atmosphere and painting come together in LU Song's works.
By a deliberation separation and layering of colors, the artist dissolves the necessary boundaries between diverse situations, rendering a dramatic alienation effect. Shattered silhouettes of figures are entangled with wildly growing giant plants. It is hard to distinguish whether the artist is intuitively responding to the living environment where he inhabits or intentionally leading the audience to escape from the overwhelming mundane routines. Such a subject made up by the artist embraces a complex mode of ambiguity. The intricate ambience diffusing the canvases is both appealing and daunting. Moments of intimacy and distance are the episodes extracted from the conscious where the ideal of living might not exist.