WANG Ningde
“负光Negative Light”系列 Series
Theories of mirror and imitation are similar to theories of shadows, all relate to the description of things. But they differ in terms of clarity, as art is destined to be more constrained by the mirror paradigm.
“负光”系列由两部分构成:《无限填充Infinite Fill》与《反转Reversal》。镜面和影子组成了《无限填充》。这里的影子不附属于实物,它们由艺术家彼时在博物馆拍摄,此刻存在于镜面这一直白的二维世界。可以说它们是由艺术家选择的艺术史、文明史的影子。《反转》则将影子用银箔提示,剩余图像用感光乳剂覆盖,这些图像取自艺术家穿越美国的旅行快照。《反转》令人联想起杜尚向公共出售的黑色侧面轮廓像,以反逻辑绘画/摄影的姿态,展现了一门颠倒的技术。
The “Negative Light” series comprises two groups of works: Infinite Fill and Reversal. Mirror and shadow form Infinite Fill – here, shadows are not attached to the real objects that cast them. Photographed by the artist in museums, they now exist in the perpetually white two-dimensional world of mirrors as shadows of art history and civilization selected by the artist. In Reversal, shadows are hinted at with silver foil, while images are covered up with photographic emulsion taken from snapshots of the artist’s travels across the United States. Reminiscent of Duchamp’s self-portraits in profile, Reversal presents a reversal of technique, inverting the logic of painting and photography.
The dialectics of representation tell us that the profile and the mirror constitute a symbolic form which represents the relationship between the self and the other. From a classical point of view, especially in the context of Narcissus, the shadow (in the water) is an absolute "other".
The two groups of works in “Negative Light” are intertextual and antagonistic to each other. Shadows, influenced by history and geopolitics, remain here. They ask the viewer if they are witnessing civilization itself or its shadows? Looking in the mirror, who is the other?
王宁德(生于1972年)现工作并生活于北京。王宁德的作品曾在谢子龙影像艺术馆(中国长沙, 2023年)、澳大利亚白兔美术馆(澳大利亚,2023年)、丹麦奥胡斯美术馆(丹麦,2020年)、维多利亚国立美术馆(澳大利亚,2019年)、福特·梅森会展中心(美国,2017年)、德国国家摄影博物馆(德国,2017年)、第九届达姆施塔特摄影节(德国,2016年)、派拉蒙电影制片厂(美国,2015年)、弗柯望博物馆(德国,2015年)、巴黎-北京画廊(法国,2011年)、SF Camerawork(美国,2007年)、红庐基金会(英国,2006年)等机构展出。他的个展包括“无名”(丹麦奥胡斯美术馆,丹麦,2019年)、“有形之光”(Bryce Wolkowitz 画廊,美国纽约,2018年)、“无名”(福特·梅森会展中心,旧金山美国,2017年)、“有形之光”(派拉蒙电影制片厂,洛杉矶美国,2015年)、“王宁德作品展”(巴黎-北京画廊,法国巴黎,2010年)、“王宁德作品展”(红庐基金会,英国伦敦,2006年)等。
WANG Ningde (b.1972) currently lives and works in Beijing. WANG’s work has been shown at Xie Zilong Photography Museum (Changsha, China, 2023), White Rabbit Gallery (Australia, 2023), ARoS Aarhus Art Museum (Danmark, 2020), National Gallery of Victoria (Australia, 2019), Fort Mason Festival Pavilion (USA, 2107), Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery (USA, 2018), Städtische Galerie (Germany, 2017), Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig (Germany, 2016), Museum Folkwang (Germany, 2016), Paramount Pictures Studios (USA, 2015), Alessandria Photo Biennale (Italy, 2011), Limn gallery (USA, 2007) and other institutions. His solo exhibitions include "Form of Light" (Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, New York, USA, 2018), "No Name, PHOTOFAIRS | San Francisco" (Fort Mason Festival Pavilion, San Francisco, USA, 2017), "Form of Light" (Paramount Pictures Studios, Los Angeles, USA, 2015), "Some Days" (Galerie Paris-Beijing, Paris, France, 2010), "The Photographs of Wang Ningde" (The Red Mansion Foundation, London, UK, 2006), etc.