HU WeiyiBlow 吹查看更多细节
JIN FengIntermission 幕间Iron fram, light and curtain 铁架、灯管和窗帘查看更多细节
HU WeiyiMass 集结查看更多细节
HU WeiyiPulp Landscape 5 低级景观5查看更多细节
Charlotte PerriandNuage, 1956Oak veneer plywood, painted curved steel, aluminum 橡木贴面胶合板, 涂漆弯曲港版, 铝76 x 403 x 33 cm查看更多细节
Pierre JeanneretStudent Desk, 1965 - 1966Teakwood 柚木69 x 112 x 71 cm查看更多细节
LI ShanUntitled 无题, 1970sOil on cotton gauze and paper 纸上纱布油画
Framed 有画框23.5 × 18 cm查看更多细节 -
LEI BenbenShadow on the Water, Stone 水影·石, 2005Digital Print 数码打印60 x 80 cmEdition of 10查看更多细节
LEI BenbenShadow on the Water, Trees 水影·树, 2005Digital Print 数码打印60 x 80 cmEdition of 10查看更多细节
QU FengguoUntitled 8 无题 8, 2007Acrylic on paper 纸上丙稀64.5 x 25 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengBasin GujiaZhuang, Ningxia Province 盆 宁夏顾家庄, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengBasket and Fork Wudaoling, Ningxia Province 背篓与叉梯 宁夏五道岭, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengCatcher Tianlaozhuang, Ningxia Province 抓子 宁夏田老庄, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengDazi Tianlaozhuang, Ningxia Province 打子 宁夏田老庄, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengDrill barrow Haochuan, Ningxia Province 耧 宁夏蒿川, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengFork Wudaoling, Ningxia Province 叉 宁夏五道岭, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengGully Gaotai, Ningxia Province 沟壑 宁夏高台, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengHoe Tianlaozhuang, Ningxia Province 锄 宁夏田老庄, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengIron plough Wudaoling, Ningxia Province 铁铧犁 宁夏五道岭, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengIron spade Kangjiawan, Ningxia Province 铁锹 宁夏康家湾, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengLadder Wudaoling, Ningxia Province 梯 宁夏五道岭, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengLandscape Heilapai, Ningxia Province 风景 宁夏黑拉排, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengMoKangjiawan, Ningxia Province 耱 宁夏康家湾, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengMountain Haochuan, Ningxia Province 山 宁夏蒿川, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengPotato Wangtuan, Ningxia Province 马铃薯 宁夏王团, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengRoad Hanjiaoshui, Ningxia Province 路 宁夏喊叫水, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengRoller Wudaoling, Ningxia Province 碾 宁夏五道岭, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengShovel Tianlaozhuang Ningxia Province 铲 宁夏田老庄, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengSickle Tianlaozhuang, Ningxia Province 镰 宁夏田老庄, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengStone pestle Tianlaozhuang, Ningxia Province 石杵 宁夏田老庄, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengStraw chopper Tianlaozhuang, Ningxia Province 铡刀 宁夏田老庄, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengSunflower Zhangjiayuan, Ningxia Province 向日葵 宁夏张家源, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
Michael RyanThe Magic Baritone 魔法男中音, 2008Hahnemühle Fine Art Photo Rag acid free paper with K3 pigment inks Hahnemühle 无酸艺术纸, K3打印40 x 59 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengWall Wudaoling, Ningxia Province 墙 宁夏五道岭, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengWatermelon Tutang, Ningxia Province 西瓜 宁夏土塘, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengWheat Yanglu, Ningxia Province 麦子 宁夏羊路, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengWheelbarrow Tianlaozhuang Ningxia Province 架子车 宁夏田老庄, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengWheelbarrow Wudaoling, Ningxia Province 架子车 宁夏五道岭, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengWooden spade and Container Tianlaozhuang, Ningxia Province 木锹与簸箕 宁夏田老庄, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
WANG ZhengWooden spade Lijiashan, Ningxia Province 木锹 宁夏李家山, 2008Fine Art Paper, Inkjet 艺术微喷38 x 51 cm查看更多细节
Christeene BrittonAnastacia, 2010Acrylic on Canvas 布面丙烯150 x 150 cm查看更多细节
Christeene BrittonLoved 爱, 2010Acrylic on Canvas 布面丙烯165 x 165 cm查看更多细节
Christeene BrittonPoppy , 2010Acrylic on Canvas 布面丙烯100 x 80 cm查看更多细节
Michael RyanClockwork Eyes 发条眼, 2011Hahnemühle Fine Art Photo Rag acid free paper with K3 pigment inks Hahnemühle 无酸艺术纸, K3打印82.5 x 54.5 cm查看更多细节
Michael RyanCrystal Ball 水晶球, 2011Hahnemühle Fine Art Photo Rag acid free paper with K3 pigment inks Hahnemühle 无酸艺术纸, K3打印82.5 x 58.5 cm查看更多细节
Michael RyanHolding Up Time Forever 拦截时间, 2011Hahnemühle Fine Art Photo Rag acid free paper with K3 pigment inks Hahnemühle 无酸艺术纸, K3打印82.5 x 54.5 cm查看更多细节
Michael RyanThe Carriage Clock 旅行钟, 2011Hahnemühle Fine Art Photo Rag acid free paper with K3 pigment inks Hahnemühle 无酸艺术纸, K3打印82.5 x 54.5 cm查看更多细节
Michael RyanThe Daughter of Time 时间的女儿, 2011Hahnemühle Fine Art Photo Rag acid free paper with K3 pigment inks Hahnemühle 无酸艺术纸, K3打印82.5 x 54.5 cm查看更多细节
Michael RyanThe Dream Eater 食梦者, 2011Hahnemühle Fine Art Photo Rag acid free paper with K3 pigment inks Hahnemühle 无酸艺术纸, K3打印82 x 55 cm查看更多细节
Michael RyanThe Dream Machine 梦想机器, 2011Hahnemühle Fine Art Photo Rag acid free paper with K3 pigment inks Hahnemühle 无酸艺术纸, K3打印81.5 x 54 cm查看更多细节
Michael RyanThe Mechanical Man 机械人, 2011Hahnemühle Fine Art Photo Rag acid free paper with K3 pigment inks Hahnemühle 无酸艺术纸, K3打印82.5 x 53.5 cm查看更多细节
CHENG YuyangTrain Square, 751 Factory 751 火车广场, 2011Gelatin silver print 银盐纸基Net:101.6 x 233.5 40 x 88(inch) With Frame:130 x 250 Net:101.6 x 233.5 40 x 88(英寸)With Frame:130 x 250查看更多细节
SU ChangA kind of lifeStyle 一种生活方式, 2012Sculpture mixed media 雕塑、综合材料122 x 42 x 18 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangA Plane Tree 一颗法桐, 2012Sculpture mixed media 雕塑、综合材料18 x 18 x 50 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangEnclosing Wall 围墙, 2012Sculpture mixed media 雕塑、综合材料67 x 16 x 30 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangFacade 外立面, 2012Sculpture mixed media 雕塑、综合材料40 x 50 x 7 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangNo. 1, Portrait of the Wall 墙的肖像 1, 2012Painting on Plaster 石膏上绘画40 x 60 x 2.5 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangNo. 3, Portrait of the Wall 墙的肖像 3, 2012Painting on Plaster 石膏上绘画40 x 60 x 2.5 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangNo. 4, Portrait of the Wall 墙的肖像 4, 2012Painting on Plaster 石膏上绘画40 x 60 x 2.5 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangPlants beneath the highway 高架下的植物, 2012Sculpture mixed media 雕塑、综合材料40 x 90 x 52 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangPortrait of the Wall N0.2 墙的肖像 2, 2012Painting on Plaster 石膏上绘画40 x 60 x 2.5 cm查看更多细节
ZAKAPr, Spectrum 光谱,镨, 2012Acrylic on block and canvas 丙烯,木条,成品布查看更多细节
SU ChangRed building 红楼, 2012Sculpture mixed media 雕塑、综合材料43 x 46 x 5 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangRenovated building 翻新的建筑, 2012Mixed Media 综合材料68 x 34 x 11 cm查看更多细节
WANG ManTaming 驯, 2012Single channel video 单频录像Edition of 5 plus 2 artist's proofs查看更多细节
SU ChangWall 墙, 2012Sculpture mixed media 雕塑、综合材料70 x 53 x 13 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangWay forward 向前的路, 2012Sculpture mixed media 雕塑、综合材料60 x 90 x 4 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangYoung Tree 年轻的树, 2012Sculpture mixed media 雕塑、综合材料20 x 22 x 55 cm查看更多细节
ZAKAAbstinence 节制, 2013Acrylic on block and artificial wool 丙烯木片人工羊毛120 x 90 cm查看更多细节
MA JianfengHair Drye 电吹风, 2013Oil on cardboard 纸板油画56.5 x 47.5 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangNo. 5, Portrait of the Wall 墙的肖像 5, 2013Polymerized plaster, wood panel, hemp thread 石膏、木头、麻丝65.5 x 35.3 x 1 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangNo. 6, Portrait of the Wall 墙的肖像 6, 2013Polymerized plaster, wood panel, hemp thread 石膏、木头、麻丝75 x 75 x 2 cm查看更多细节
SU ChangNo. 7, Portrait of the Wall 墙的肖像 7, 2013Polymerized plaster, wood panel, hemp thread 石膏、木头、麻丝95 x 82 x 10 cm查看更多细节
JIN Feng"I Am Bred From a Count, and That You Can Never Be." "我是伯爵所生,但你永远不是“, 2014Fiberglass and iron 玻璃钢和扁铁55 x 95 x 40 cm查看更多细节
HU Weiyi14 Minutes 14 分钟, 2014Inkjet print on archival paper 艺术微喷在艺术纸上180 x 210 cm查看更多细节
JIN FengA delicious Leg 肥美入口的感觉, 2014Silicon 1/1 scale front leg 仿真硅胶,真人比例前腿27 x 16 x 67 cmEdition of 5 plus 1 artist's proof查看更多细节
ZAKAAfter the divination 占卜之后, 2014Stainless steel 不锈钢244 x 122 cm查看更多细节
ZHENG HuanBesom 1 扫把 1, 2014Wood, bookand copper 木,书和铸铜件Variety dimensions 尺寸可变查看更多细节
ZHENG HuanBesom 2 扫把 2, 2014Wood, bookand copper 木,书和铸铜件Variety dimensions 尺寸可变查看更多细节
JIN FengCleaning 清洗, 2014Single channel video 单频录像00:01:43查看更多细节
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