a.f.art theatreFangling 黄芳翎
HUANG Fangling is the founder of a.f.art theatreFangling. She graduated from the Department of Drama at People’s Liberation Army Academy of Art, the Department of Directing at Shanghai Theatre Academy and the Institute of Arts Administration and Education at China Central Academy of Fine Arts. HUANG has been trying to introduce drama concept to contemporary art and applying her well trained performance art skills as a medium to explore how theatre is developed and accumulated in different spaces. In the name of a.f.art theatreFangling, her recent projects include “…In Between” (ZKR – Centre for Art and Public Space Schloss Biesdorf and Löwenpalais, Berlin, 2017), “Selected Gaze” (“Theory Opera” at the 11th Shanghai Biennale “Why Not Ask Again,” Power Station of Art, Shanghai, 2017), “Wander in Anger” (Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, 2016), “Sensory Tour” (Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, 2016), “Time Rite” (Ming Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, 2016), “A Struggle Between…” (chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai, 2016), “Body Encounter” (Rote Fabrik, Zürich-Wollishofen, 2015), “The Maids in the Enclave” (MoCA Pavilion, Shanghai, 2015), etc., as well as “Knight Nightmare” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2015) and “I Can’t be Part of Your Revolution” (BANK, Shanghai, 2015) in collaboration with JIN Feng.
Group Exhibition 20 June - 23 August 2020Don Gallery will be presenting the group exhibition, “Cloudy,” to audiences this summer. The show will explore whether the ambiguous and volatile surface of contemporary society obscures a more stable...Read more -
HUANG Fangling: Weightless
Solo Exhibition 24 March - 29 April 2018a.f.art theatreFangling’s second show at Don Gallery, “Weightless,” revolves around the conjunctures of alienation and theatricality, the boundaries of dramatic experience, and the contingencies of the actual world. In a...Read more -
Shanghai Dandy
Group Exhibition 10 November 2017 - 28 January 2018Don Gallery is pleased to announce “Shanghai Dandy,” a celebration of its 10th anniversary. By means of mega-metaphor, the phrasing of the title assumes the superimposition of a semantic pun...Read more -
a.f.art theatre + JIN Feng: Knight Nightmare
Performance 7 March - 5 April 2015'Knight Nightmare' is a multimedia installation that brings together a variety of works from a.f.art theatre and Jin Feng, including live performance, video, photography, installation and sculpture, created as a...Read more
News | ‘Anna Gabler’, a cross-media interactive theatre directed byartist HUANG Fangling, at YOUNG Theater in Shanghai
Shanghai, China 26 December 2024创意/剧本/导演|Creator/Screenplay/Director 黄芳翎 HUANG Fangling 戏剧|安娜·高布乐 Theater|Anna Gabler 制作出品 |Produce a.f.art theatreFangling工作室 a.f.art theatreFangling studio YOUNG剧场·绿匣子, 上海 中国 YOUNG Theatre · Green Box, Shanghai China 2024/07/19...Read more -
News | HUANG Fangling's participation in "The Sleepless Theatre" @Shanghai Wu Changshuo Memorial Hall
Shanghai 15 December 2023艺术家|Artist 黄芳翎 HUANG Fangling 群展|不眠的剧场 Group Exhibition|The Sleepless Theatre 策展人|Curator 姜节泓 JIANG Jiehong 上海吴昌硕纪念馆, 上海 中国 Shanghai Wu Changshuo Memorial Hall Shanghai China 2023/10/29 –...Read more -
ArtReview Asia Xiàn Chǎng | Performance Listings for Let's Deal by a.f.art theatreFangling
7 November 2017The project is designed to perform virtual trading activities in the art market by means of art tour. The performers from different professions and businesses...Read more
袁 佳维 | 海上景观:丹迪的意外反身
6 January 2018每当满潮时,河水暴涨,便出现逆流。观测站的信号旗显示出平稳的风速,朝着塔上飘去。在茫茫夜雾之中,海关的尖塔显得烟气迷蒙起来。堆放在堤坝上的木桶坐着许多苦力,他们的身上湿漉漉的。残破不堪的黑帆随着钝重的波涛东倒西歪地吱吱嘎嘎地向前移动。长着一张白皙明敏的中世纪勇士面孔的参木满街转悠之后回到了码头。河畔长条椅上坐着一排满脸倦容的俄国妓女。逆潮行驶的舢板上蓝色的灯光,在她们默默无语的眼睑前一刻不停地旋转着。([日] 横光利一著、卞铁坚译,《寝园》(横光利一文集/叶渭渠主编),北京:作家出版社,2001年,第3页。) 这是新感觉派作家横光利一(Riichi Yokomitsu)所著第一部长篇小说《上海》(1928—1931年)的开场:日本青年参木在外滩无所事事地闲逛,视线边沿浮现起对于上海的原始印象。苏联导演亚科夫·布利奥赫(Yakov Bliokh)拍摄的黑白无声纪录片《上海纪事》(1926—1928年)以相同的画面开启这座世界之城:俯视镜头首先对准黄浦江边密密麻麻的货轮与渔船,随即切换为特写锁定乘坐“WANDERER”(漫游者)号快艇兜风的异国男女,细节涉及男士的西服钮扣与女士的玛丽珍鞋。更为巧合的是,《上海》将时代背景设置在五卅运动,《上海纪事》则取材四一二事件,两者都通过吸纳殖民主义风格创作中的“凝视”策略进行时空构造,通过投射丰富多元的情感、性别与身体关系来完成对上海的全景式描述,并在一定程度上渲染对左翼或其他革命力量的同理心。 东画廊十周年展览“海上丹迪”意图重新审视“凝视”策略在跨文化实践中的特殊意义,尤其关于“凝视”如何对外来文本与地方文本展开互译而在长久以来影响着上海这座城市的文化话语。因此,展览选择以浪荡子(dandy)作为“凝视”的媒介,同时赋予该文学形象自属的名字“丹迪”(Dandy),强调虚构/虚拟人物的表演性、装置性与叙事性。历史上经典的浪荡子主要包括十九世纪上半叶巴黎最著名的象征主义者夏尔·皮埃尔·波德莱尔与英国维多利亚时代的唯美主义者奥斯卡·王尔德,他们提出一种颓废而颠覆的个人主义创造精神与艺术观念,凭借不同的面具与姿态唤醒并领导自身所处的不定状态。曾经出现在上海这方水土里的浪荡子比如活跃于上世纪二三十年代的刘呐鸥是的新感觉派的引介者与推动者,他以丰富的散居经历结合蒙太奇、人物心理分析等手法,将现实生活中的各种矛盾组织成展示内心强烈激情与暧昧的外部条件。 “海上丹迪”的十二位参展艺术家通过自身的视觉路径对浪荡子作出想象,甚至直接把浪荡子看成是第二自我,在开启角色游戏的过程中渲染个人独有的气质、性格、习惯、癖好。他们不自觉地使用起浪荡子善用的“模拟”方法,以此解构“凝视”与世界主义上海的关联。世界主义往往是一个用来美化殖民事实的台词,而一连串复杂的内化作用逐渐累积并造成了对殖民化的漠然以及对世界主义的向往。“模拟”恰巧具有颠覆殖民权力的力量。一般来说,殖民化能够带来的现代化不免让原居者产生崇拜或渴望的心态,甚至对本身的文化心存自卑和厌恶。但是通过“模拟”,原居者可以逐渐了解殖民权力并非天然而是被建构的产物。原居者透过“模拟” 看清殖民化的问题,使自己处于进退两难的境地,并发展出相互依赖的关系。这种既吸引又排斥的混乱干扰了既定的殖民秩序。 比如, 张云垚假借毛毡的有型质地,由绘画模仿雕塑,西方哲人、帝王、统治者、神话人物的身体轮廓叠加出一个偏执的、悲惨的、处于错误时代的自我,徘徊于放纵与约束之间,质询社会文化框架对于享乐的容许度。a.f.art theatre芳翎在为自己圈定的剧场框架中把白衬衫穿着成戏服,说明其趋于放弃原居者身份的意图,却又在男性画外音的指正下不断修改着自己的行为而表现出不安。胡为一把裸露的女性身体与腐败的城市遗址覆盖到一起而产生缠绕效果,强调兼具浪荡子与漫游者特质的艺术家人格,正是对浪荡子“先贤”们的致敬。许以挪用比利时超现实主义画家雷内·马格利特的《情人》并让一对闺蜜扮演处于室内的两人,一人佩戴在无名指上的戒指提示着性别与婚姻正相关的刻板印象,另一人却通过化装/异装发泄过高的性别表现欲望,挑战固化的性别意识形态。若将这些作品视为幻肢而构成丹迪的整体,那么浪荡子在跳脱其舶来品属性后依旧具备着生命力。或许,丹迪本身就是一个来自未来的时光旅行者,悄无声息地协调起我们与此刻、与地方的联系。Read more -
Jiawei YUAN | a.f.art theatreFangling: From the Pathology of “Weightless” to the Mentality of “Weightless”
1 June 20181:14 am Je n’aime que le mouvement —“What are the states of your being around 1:14 in the early morning?” —“In good states, live in...Read more