LU Song 吕松
LU Song (b. 1982) graduated from Wimbledon College of Art, University of London in 2006 with a Master's Degree in Painting, and returned to China the following year, where he currently lives and works in Beijing. The artist is enthusiastic about adding literary sensibilities and montage-like textures to his paintings, mapping out the perception of light in the massive colouration of great somberness, embodied with the confrontation against narrative and the obsession with autobiographical memory.
His recent solo exhibitions include "Empty Space. The light beyond the shadow" (Massimo De Carlo Pièce Unique, Paris, 2023), "Japanese Garden" (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2021), "PURPLE SKIN" (Massimo De Carlo, Hong Kong, 2021), "Interni Romani/Roman Interiors" (Mattatoio, Roma, 2018), "Combe" (Massimo De Carlo, Hong Kong, 2018), "The Room Upstairs" (Massimo De Carlo, London, 2018), "Flow" (OCAT Xi’an, Xi’an, 2017), "Control Point" (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2017), "The Drunken Beggar on Horseback" (Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest, Romania, 2015), "Hills Beyond the Backdrop" (Alexandre Ochs Galleries, Berlin, 2014), "To the River till Sunrise" (Dominik Mersch Gallery, Waterloo/Sydney, Australia, 2013), "To One Who Has Been Long in City Pent" (Alexandre Ochs Galleries, Berlin, 2012). He has also participated in numerous group exhibitions such as "Tales of the South" (He Art Museum, Foshan, 2023), "A Theatre of Waiting" (The Cloud Collection, Nanjing, 2023), "Un dialogue avec la sensibilité — Écriture, Désir, Amour" (Being Art Museum, Shanghai, 2022), "2022 Beijing Biennial" (Beijing, 2022) and "In Memory of a Landscape 2" (James Cohen Gallery, Shanghai, 2015), amongst others.
To the Things Themselves Part I
Pop-Up Exhibition 3 - 22 August 2024Don Gallery Summer Pop-Up Exhibition 「To the Things Themselves」 PART I: 3 August – 22 August, 2024 PART II: 23 August – 11 September, 2024 HAI 550 L6-05, No.550 Huaihai...Read more -
LU Song: A Warm Breath Set the Leaves Stirring
Solo Exhibition 9 March - 30 April 2024LU Song: A Warm Breath Set the Leaves Stirring Curated by WANG Jiang March 9th – April 30th , 2024 Don Gallery, 2555-9 Longteng Avenue, Westbund, Shanghai Don Gallery is...Read more -
Hippocampus Capsule
Group Exhibition 8 July - 31 August 2023Hippocampus Capsule features paintings, installations, and sculptures by artists CAO Zaifei, CHANG Ling, GUO Haiqiang, LI Shan, LIU Ren, LU Song, WANG Ningde, WU Houting, ZHANG Peiyun, ZHANG Ruyi, ZHANG...Read more -
LU Song: Japanese Garden
Solo Exhibition 7 November - 26 December 2021'Looking out from the corridor with deep eaves, there is a green maple forest. The large and spotless lacquered table in front of it reflects the green forest, like a...Read more -
Group Exhibition 20 June - 23 August 2020Don Gallery will be presenting the group exhibition, “Cloudy,” to audiences this summer. The show will explore whether the ambiguous and volatile surface of contemporary society obscures a more stable...Read more -
Swallow It! Summer x Bacchanal
Group Exhibition 13 July - 31 August 2019Shanghai, July 13—As temperatures rise, and another Shanghai summer swings into full swelter this July, Don Gallery is offering a long, thirst-slaking gulp of art, with a septet of artists...Read more -
Shanghai Dandy
Group Exhibition 10 November 2017 - 28 January 2018Don Gallery is pleased to announce “Shanghai Dandy,” a celebration of its 10th anniversary. By means of mega-metaphor, the phrasing of the title assumes the superimposition of a semantic pun...Read more -
LU Song: Control Point
Solo Exhibition 18 March - 28 May 2017Don Gallery is thrilled to celebrate the inauguration of its new gallery space in West Bund with the artist LU Song’s first solo exhibition “Control Point” in the gallery on...Read more
News | LU Song, LIU Ren and ZHANG Ruyi’s participation in ‘ABlue-Flowering Day’ at Yuan Art Museum
Beijing, China 26 December 2024策展人 Curator 袁佳维 Evonne Jiawei Yuan 艺术家 Artist 奥利弗·比尔 Oliver Beer 娜塔莉·杜尔伯格 & 汉斯·博格 Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg 陈维 Chen Wei 丹尼尔·克鲁斯-丘博 Daniel...Read more -
News | LU Song's participation in "Tales of the South" at He Art Museum, Foshan
Foshan, Guangdong 21 December 2023艺术家|Artist 吕松 LU Song 群展|Group Exhibition 南方故事 |Tales of the South 和美术馆,佛山 He Art Museum, Foshan...Read more -
News | LU Song, ZHANG Ruyi's participation in "A Theatre of Waiting" @The Cloud Collection
Nanjing 27 November 2023Artist|LU Song, ZHANG Ruyi Group Exhibition|A Theatre of Waiting Curator|Zhu Zhu The Cloud Collection, Nanjing China 2023/11/06 –...Read more -
News | LU Song and ZHANG Ruyi's participation in 2022 Beijing Biennial
Beijing 3 January 2023Don Gallery is honored to announce LU Song and ZHANG Ruyi's participation in 2022 Beijing Biennial at National Base for International Cultural Trade and...Read more -
News | LU Song's participation in Un dialogue avec la sensibilité — Écriture, Désir, Amour
Shanghai 12 November 2022Don Gallery is honored to announce LU Song's participation in Un dialogue avec la sensibilité — Écriture, Désir, Amour at BEING ART MUSEUM from...Read more
WANG Jiang | A Warm Breath Set the Leaves Stirring
2 March 2024 -
Todd Meyers | LV Song
2 May 2017Eleven paintings of tangled roots and palm fronds inaugurate the gallery’s new space in West Bund, Shanghai. This is Lu Song’s heart of darkness. In...Read more -
林叶 | 吕松:日本花园
20 December 2021吕松是用一张照片开启“日本花园”这个展览的。这张照片被一排栏杆划分为上下两个部分,上方是栏杆外的日式庭园,下方则是庭园倒映在栏杆前玻璃上的模糊镜像。我们或许会习惯性地去寻找照片中的焦点——栏杆外那郁郁葱葱的树木,并将其指认为照片的主要内容。焦点往往代表了拍摄者的意志,代表了一种主体性,也正是基于这样的原则,我们在面对一张充满了神秘符码的影像时才有了共通的认知经验和沟通的可能性。从某种意义上讲,这样一张再正常不过的照片所体现的是一种现代性视觉政体,也就是马丁·杰伊所说的笛卡尔透视主义——“现代时期占据统治地位的线性透视法”。然而,这种早已经被我们内化成身体机能的一部分的视觉政体很可能并非源于人类的视觉本能,而是一种社会的视觉建构。我们在日常生活中就是按照这样的原则来决定影像中的中心与边缘、主要与次要,可见与可忽视的。基于这样的规则,这张照片中焦点以外的很多元素也就成了噪音,干扰着整个画面的视觉秩序,连下方占据画面很大比例的镜像也成为了可忽视的元素。 而吕松经由这张照片展开的绘画创作可谓是对这种现代性视觉政体的质疑与瓦解。本次展览中展出的所有绘画作品都是他反复重返这张照片,根据自己的直觉经验加以“再现”,以非透视法的观看方式对照片中的各种元素重新进行编码。与这张照片相对的两幅作品中,原本可能被视为噪音的栏杆显然成为了画面的主角,横亘于视觉的中心,而原本照片中作为焦点的色彩艳丽的树木则被抽象成大面积的色块,阴影部分却通过一系列暗色调的笔触被凸显出来。 主展厅左面展墙上的八幅作品中,栏杆都被用不同的方式省略掉,有的仅仅保留了划分画面上下两部分的线条,有的直接成为空白,将完整的画面分割成了上下两幅相互独立的绘画。而右面展墙上的两幅作品,栏杆则完全被驱离出画面,上下两部分完全融为一体。艺术家更关注整个画面中其他一些隐匿的音符,例如枝叶与枝叶自然形成的不同色块之间的联系,因光线反差所造成的视觉上的冲突,不同线条对画面的划分,被树叶遮蔽的树枝形成的线条丛等等。那些在线性透视法中被遮蔽、忽视的元素经由吕松的画笔,幻化成具体的色块、笔触、线条,从混沌的画面中跳脱出来,形成了某种流动的视觉感受,带动观看者的视线在画面中不断游走。我们被规训的那种主要/次要、晦暗/光明、中心/边缘、主题/点缀的二元论此时失去了效用,观看成为了画面上的视觉旅行。 文/ 林叶Read more -
袁 佳维 | 吕松:可见的影子与不可见的“控制点”
28 May 2017约翰·伯格(John Berger)曾说:“我们注视的从来不只是事物本身,而是事物与我们之间的关系。”[1] 在吕松的绘画中,组成事物的“可见性”元素包括根、茎、叶、巨大的热带植物,比如芭蕉,以及纠缠其中的单一人物,或者是枝形吊灯、玻璃瓶、街道、建筑物。而这些事物与作为观察者、观看者的我们之间的关系通过其画面中特定的观看媒介——影子,即通过制造拓印、磨损痕迹将上述“可见性”元素渲染为影子本身,在画面内部生产出一种“寓居其中”的视觉张力,又以此在画面外部建立起相应的认知秩序,构成一个介于画面内部与外部之间的特殊界域。作为间接的、分化的组织,该界域质询了画面内部与外部相互扩张又共同临现的动态情境,且对上述可见背后的不可见——绘画的自主性——进行暗示。艺术家在开始一次创作前设定一个“假想计划”,但是根据不同阶段的进展对计划做出改变或调整,形成新的“假想计划”,也就是用一连串的“控制点”来推演创作线索。吕松以“控制点”命名其于东画廊的个展,显示出对于绘画创作的话语意识,将我们的注意力带入隐藏在绘画物质表面背后的本质内容,在看似受到破坏的周遭环境中细看偶然性的所在。“控制点”作为为达最终目的所必须经历的环节,指向的并非是画面,而是不确定的具象。 在《影子简史》一书中,维克多·I·斯托伊奇(Victor I. Stoichita)塔指出,在西方绘画史的发展历程中,影子既作为一种自我表现的形式,起源于缺席与在场两相照看的空间关系而以绘画自居,同时作为一种“自然”,对再现加以说明或对图像做出质询,制造再现的再现。[2] 换句话说,绘画中的影子证明了绘画是一种存在嵌套的容器类型,归纳并不属于事实的短暂片段,将观察者、观看者捕捉并包含进去。在《丛林男孩》中,吕松塑造了一个梦境般的氛围,一个男孩的剪影被安排在画面中央,野蛮生长的植物在其四周进行表演。如果说男孩就是影子自己,那么在浓郁的色彩对光感自行敞开之后,貌似扭曲又偏差的人物轮廓延展为其自身所处的疏离与孤绝境地,但是观察者、观看者却能够对此境地做出判断与解释,因为四周植物所裹挟的间离效果一早就为作为经验起点的影子取代并消弭。在这个过程里,可见的影子与不可见的“控制点”在其中交织存在,更具体地说,后者通过前者得悉叙事性的瓦解。“控制点”是艺术家针对绘画实践建立的工具主义方法论,这个方法论所彰显的控制力取决于艺术家的智性感受,有意逆转了经典绘画模式中主客对立的观念与姿态,其中的影子是起到揭露作用的实体,对画面的笔触和肌理做出抗拒。 吕松的绘画虽然对空间有所依赖——介于画面内部与外部之间的特殊界域,但是其对于观察者/观看者的依赖,尤其是对于作为话语及图像的影子的依赖,为绘画祛魅,也为绘画赋魅。艺术家逃避着可视与可述之间的必要关联,却给予视觉与知觉一种共时性的复合倾向,使用铺陈的方式对绘画的语言机制进行解构。比如在《烈日》《冥想室》及《夹竹桃塘》的画面里,都存在着更多画面层次的堆叠,但仅仅通过为堆叠部分预留出影子的表征,保护了艺术家在创作中的自我经验。所以当绘画的话语经验通过影子沉淀为一种悬置于画面之上的历史感与历时感时,会立刻显示出艺术家超越年龄的成熟,绘画不是简单的图像生产,而是在艺术史中作为一种话语建制存在。若把吕松的创作实践置于有关绘画性问题的讨论中,那非常明显的,他已然跳脱出形式与内容的二元框架,而以“控制点”的全新范式表述自己对绘画超越媒介的普遍认识,在每一次创作中渗透自足的觉察。 注释: [1] 约翰·伯格著、吴莉君译,《观看的方式》(台北:麦田,2010年),第11页。 [2] 维克多·I·斯托伊奇塔著、常宁生等译,《影子简史》(北京:商务印书馆,2008年),第6至41页。Read more
NADA Miami 2024
Miami 3 - 7 December 2024Don Gallery is pleased to announce its participation in the 22nd Edition of NADA Miami art fair from 3 December to 7 December 2024, where...Read more -
Westbund Art & Design 2024
Shanghai 7 - 10 November 2024Don Gallery is pleased to announce its participation in the 2024 Westbund Art & Design fair from 7 November to 10 November 2024, where it...Read more -
Art Basel Hong Kong 2024
Hong Kong 26 - 30 March 2024巴塞尔艺术展香港展会 Art Basel Hong Kong 展位 Booth 1B41 贵宾预览|VIP Preview March 26-27, 2024 公众开放|Public Days March 28-30, 2024 地点|Location 香港会议展览中心 Hong...Read more -
Shanghai 9 - 12 November 2023参展艺术家|Artist 曹再飞 CAO Zaifei 柯乔 James Carl 刘任 LIU Ren 吕松 LU Song 吴厚挺 WU Houting 章佩芸 ZHANG Peiyun 张如怡 ZHANG Ruyi 张云垚 ZHANG...Read more -
Art Brussels 2023
Brussels 20 - 23 April 2023参展艺术家 | Artists 曹再飞 CAO Zaifei、常陵 CHANG Ling 郭海强 GUO Haiqiang、李珊 LI Shan 刘任 LIU Ren、吕松 LU Song 王宁德 WANG Ningde、章佩芸 ZHANG...Read more -
Art Basel Hong Kong 2023
Hong Kong 23 - 25 March 2023参展艺术家 | Artists 曹再飞 CAO Zaifei、常陵 CHANG Ling、 刘任 LIU Ren、吕松 LU Song、 王宁德 WANG Ningde、张如怡 ZHANG Ruyi、 张云垚 ZHANG Yunyao 藏家预览...Read more -
ART SG 2023
Singapore 11 - 15 January 2023新加坡艺术博览会 | ART SG 东画廊展位 1D05 | Don Gallery Booth 1D05 参展艺术家 | Artists 曹再飞 CAO Zaifei、常陵 CHANG Ling 郭海强 GUO Haiqiang、...Read more -
Shanghai 10 - 13 November 2022 -
Online Viewing Room 30 June - 2 July 2022VIP Preview 2022/06/30 - 2022/07/02 General Admission 2022/07/03 - 2022/07/30 CAO Zaifei Looks Beautiful 看上去很美, CAO Zaifei 曹再飞, 2021. Oil...Read more -
Art Basel Hong Kong 2022
Hong Kong 25 - 29 May 2022 -
Shanghai 11 - 14 November 2021 -
Frieze London 2021
15 - 17 October 2021 -
30 September - 4 October 2021 -
Art Shenzhen
9 - 12 September 2021 -
10 - 13 June 2021Don Gallery is proud to announce that Don Gallery will participate JINGART Art Fair, this is the first time for Don Gallery to participate in...Read more -
12 - 15 November 2020Don Gallery will participate ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair to present artworks by CHANG Ling, HU Zi, LI Shan, LIU Ren, LU Song, QU Fengguo,...Read more -
West Bund Art & Design
11 - 15 November 2020During the busy Art Season, Don Gallery is pleased to introduce LU Song's solo project at the 7th edition of West Bund Art &...Read more -
West Bund Art & Design
7 - 10 November 2019During Shanghai Art Week, Don Gallery will participate the 6th edition of West Bund Art & Design to introduce artworks by CHANG Ling, HU Zi,...Read more -
Art Shenzhen
14 - 17 September 2018Cindy Sherman 1982, HU Zi 胡子, 2015. Gouache on paper 纸上水粉, 53.5 × 35.5 cm Multiple Red Columns (The Forbidden City) 一群红柱子 (故宫), LI Shan...Read more